
When is Cheating Cheating, Really?

If you think you know what constitutes cheating… think again. A survey among Europeans and Americans has seemingly set the goal posts a lot further apart than you might think. Cheeky fumble? Make-out session? Not that bad… according to some!

Statistics of Note

Americans it seems are somewhat stricter in their opinions of what constitutes cheating. Vaginal intercourse is right up there (no pun intended) at 97% and 99% for American men and women respectively, whereas just 81% European men and 85% of European women see it as so.

Kissing is another interesting one – between 80 – 88% of Americans view this as being unfaithful vs. 66 – 78% of Europeans.

Heavy petting is also a-ok for some; between 12 – 25% of Americans and 28 – 38% of Europeans in fact. Even more of us are lax on sleeping in the same bed with someone else and spooning too. It’s all awfully subjective when it comes to what you can and cannot do when in a relationship!

Plane Naughty

The Sun published a hilarious video of one couple doing some heavy petting of their own on a Ryan Air flight whilst passengers were left in fits of giggles. You can view it here.

In addition it turns out that an orgasm at high altitude could actually provide with a heightened sense of pleasure due to a change in the amount of oxygen in our bodies and brain.

94% surveyed in conjunction with the story also said they’d love a bit of in-air action too. We are a naughty bunch!

Night & Day

It’s nearly that time of year again. Prepare for a sexy splash of colour on our website as our annual location photoshoot is taking place in just a few short weeks. We will be heading to a beautiful place in the countryside to take some location photos for the website. Keep an eye out for new ladies pictures with a summer twist on our pages.

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