
Do People Prefer Coffee To Sex? The Mirror Surveys 7,000 People

Do People Prefer Coffee To Sex? The Mirror Surveys 7,000 People

We came across this interesting article just recently from The Mirror. The tabloid newspaper conducted a survey on hotel guests about what their preferences are and what they would and would not go without to wake them up in the morning…and the results were surprising!

Of the 7,455 participants in the survey 78% responded that they would rather give up alcohol, social media or sex with their spouse for a year than drinking coffee. That’s a lot of love for that initial morning caffeine hit! As a nation we really love a hot latte in the morning…so much so we’d rather drink coffee than be intimate with our spouses or partners!

Other fun facts and figures that came up from the survey were that 73% of people would sacrifice in-room TVs and Internet access for the perfect cup of coffee and 51% said they could go longer without sex than without coffee – 55% of participants that took part were women. If this all sounds too ludicrous to believe then you can read the full story for yourself here!

In other news be sure to check out the Night & Day website – we’re always updating our photos section and have some gorgeous images of our beautiful escorts online in and around the Southampton, Portsmouth, Winchester and Hampshire areas.

The Southampton Boat show was on recently too – we hope everyone who attended had a great time and enjoyed all the fantastic marine products that were on display.

If you’re wondering what else is going on in and around the South Coast over the coming months and in the run up to – dare we say it – Christmas, this website is a great place to look: There’s a nostalgic wedding fair coming up in November and an Open Spaces exhibition too, further details are online.

Finally, as always our beautiful Night & Day ladies are happy to escort you – check out our ladies pages to meet and see some of our beautiful escorts, we look forward to seeing you soon.

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