
Escorts For Couples – The Sun Newspaper Surveys 20,000 People

It may appear at first glance that indulging in the intimate fantasy of having a threesome or being part of a couple and booking an escort is uncommon and largely a matter of “taboo”. However with the rise of the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon leading the way for a more aware and more daring society, its now commonplace to talk, joke about and experiment with your sexual fantasies – and the sex toy industry is booming as a result! The media too, has cottoned on to this newfound openness in a big way and there are now endless surveys, articles and statistics out and available for viewing.

One of the most widely discussed and common fantasies as mentioned above is the idea of having a threesome; this isn’t just restricted to men who want to go out with two women though, with the marked increase in the female half of the population’s sexual appetite women too, are just as inquisitive as to what it would be like and are daring to try it – even those in a committed relationship.

Escorts for couples are becoming pretty popular for those that feel comfortable with each other and that are looking to experiment with having a third person in the mix. At Night & Day we have several of our beautiful ladies who are willing to work either with each other or with a couple – you can view the ladies we have at the escort agency here.

The Sun Newspaper has also taken to this trend by talking about escorts, sex, couples, sex toys and more! They recently published the results of a survey they conducted with a whopping 20,000 participants, and the results? Well, in summary we all like to have a bit of fun either individually or with our partners! Here are some of the figures that came back:

– 26% of men and 23% of women have had a threesome, whether as a couple that has hired an escort or in another environment
– 72% of people have had an intimate experience outside
– Almost 25% said they had enjoyed a secret tryst at work
– 8% of the female respondents admitted that they enjoy reading an erotic novel and 11% of these enjoy sharing their fantasies within these with their partners
– 78% of respondents use sex toys – perhaps we can thank the Rampant Rabbit and Mr Christian Grey for that!
– Over 40% of both sexes enjoy playing out their fantasies, either with role-play or dressing up
– In the survey half the respondents were dating, 20% were single and the remaining 30% were married

It’s clear from the results of the survey and it’s even stated by The Sun itself that sex matters! Whether you are single, settled, older, younger, dating or in a relationship, men, women, escorts and couples all like to indulge in a little fun!

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